Monday, September 22, 2008

Highly Unlikely

You folks are in for a treat! A double whammy of random questions--one set from mediabistro and one set from Cory who was concerned because I had no questions for my previous post. Wunderbar, I say. But first, a little updating. I am back in business with projects. I was getting worried as I had about a week with no work. I should have just enjoyed the time off, but that's not how I roll.
I have a bustling social calender this week, with three nights slated for different dinners on the town and one night for rockstar karaoke. Tuesday is the Tampa Bay Vegetarian's dinner at a raw foods place on the beach, Wednesday is a dinner with female relatives, and Saturday is dinner at a Japanese place to celebrate the Coles' birthday. Good stuff. And then Friday we're supposed to go to the club.
We watched the movie There Will Be Blood last night. I'm not sure how I feel about it. What happened? That's what I want to know. And what was that guy's problem?
Also, I'm sending in my voter registration application today! Yay!!
I am CRAzy for "rueben" sandwiches lately. Fake bologna, swiss, marble rye, sauerkraut, and thousand island, grill that sucker for a minute or two and you're in sandwich heaven.
Okay, I think that about covers it. On to double question madness!
From Mediabistro:
1. Do you know anyone who is morbidly obese?
No. I used to but I haven't seen them for quite awhile so they could have lost weight.
2. What are some of the most beautiful songs you have ever heard?
Pachebel's canon, lots of Beethoven, many Christmas songs, Amazing Grace (especially on bagpipes), the songs Keri and I wrote in Italy. When I hear "beautiful" I tend to think classical or churchly.
3. Are you generally likeable?
4. How often do you feel left behind or forgotten?
Whenever somebody leaves me behind or forgets me.
5. Overall, how well do you think your parents did in raising you?
Overall, pretty well. They made some mistakes, but I think I turned out okay.
6. Do you think you're weird?
7. Would you ever participate in a new or experimental drug trial?
Maybe so.
8. Do you intimidate people (intentionally or not)?
I doubt it.
9. What are some hurtful or stinging remarks that relatives have made to you?
My relatives are pretty nice people. That's not the remark, just a general statement.
10. How much emotional baggage do you really carry?
A smart little bag that fits neatly in the overhead compartment.
~Bonus Question~What makes you irresistible?
I think I'm fairly resistible.

From Cory:
1. Your personal favorite attack move?
I first read this as favorite attack movie and I was going to go with the killer tomatoes. Now that I see it's move, I would have to say when I used to fight with my brother I wasn't afraid to use my nails.
2. What was the last thing you stole?
Maybe some makeup from the grocery store? It's been awhile.
3. Have you read about DMT? If so, would you ever try it?
I had to look it up. This is part of what I found: At about minute two of a DMT trip, according to McKenna, you burst through a chrysanthemum-like mandala, and find that
There's a whole bunch of entities waiting on the other side, saying "How wonderful that you're here! You come so rarely! We're so delighted to see you!" They're like jewelled self-dribbling basketballs and there are many of them and they come pounding toward you and they will stop in front of you and vibrate, but then they do a very disconcerting thing, which is they jump into your body and then they jump back out again and the whole thing is going on in a high-speed mode where you're being presented with thousands of details per second and you can't get a hold on [them ...] and these things are saying "Don't give in to astonishment", which is exactly what you want to do. You want to go nuts with how crazy this is, and they say "Don't do that. Pay attention to what we're doing".

I don't think I'll be trying DMT anytime soon.
4. Why come you got no tattoo?
Um, I do.
5. Which Golden Girl would be the best First Lady and why?
I've always been partial to Dorothy because I think she's the smartest and funniest.
6. What would you call an animal that was part unicorn and part cat?
7. When's the best time to use the phrase "highly unlikely"?
In the title of a blog post.
8. Your all time favorite comedian?
Probably Brett Leake is my favorite for his act out of people I know (but I have a lot of favorites) and I always liked George Carlin's act out of people I don't know. And Dave Chapelle. And Dave Attell. And people named Dave in general.
9. Would you rather climb or jump?
I like climbing.
10. If you had a robot assistant, what would you make it do?
Dance like a human.

Now I should get cracking on my new project. Thanks for the questions, Cory!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Soooooooo. . . . . .

. . . I don't have any proofreading or copyediting projects right now and I don't know what to do with myself! I actually do know what to do and it involves writing articles and researching stuff for my upcoming website, I just don't feel like doing it. So I thought a little blahgging would inspire me and keep me sitting at the computer when all I really want to do is take a nap. It is hot outside and that always makes me lazy and sleepy. I hope "fall" comes soon to Florida; 70 degree weather would be nice. But that kind of thing doesn't usually happen until late October or November. There were no Random Thursday Questions last week; the mediabistro lady didn't feel like doing them and Keri hasn't come through with her own yet. So, sorry if anyone was looking forward to them. What else? Junior Mints got his autumn haircut and looks smaller than ever.

On a more serious note, a good friend got through a scary surgery and is recovering nicely, which is wonderful. Another good friend is in town to help said good friend after previously mentioned surgery. So, I'll get to hang out with the both of them and that's always a good time, surgery or not. I have no reading to do right now, as I mentioned, so things like laundry and housecleaning have been getting done with greater frequency. And now I think I'll go ahead and take that nap. I'll get to you soon enough, website!