Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chilly Willy

It's a little cold out there, and I love it! I got Junior a sweater for his morning walks and I think he looks quite smart. Also, apparently he lettered in something, but he's not saying what. I finished a project last night (up until 2 am) and should get started on another today. I will! But first, a blog and then I have to go to the store. And then I'll get started. Oh, I'll probably have some soup first. Fake chicken noodle soup that is good for the soul. And I have to go to the store to get ingredients for a fake beef stew I'm making tonight. Is nothing in my life real? I have a Halloween party on Saturday and I still don't know what to dress up as. The theme is 1980s TV shows. Suggestions (that can be put together fast and cheap) are welcome! Well . . . I thought this was going to be longer, but I should really get going. Go Rays!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Busy Bee

The lull between projects is over with a vengeance. I just got my first Harlequin project, am finishing up another project, and have two more on the backburner competing for my attention. I am going to be reading like a mo-fo for quite a while. Try to get on with your lives.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy Autumn!

Well, well, well! Things look a little different around here, huh? I decided to be seasonal. And I just love it. I'm waiting for Keri to get home from work so I can pop over her house for some coffee talk. So, I decided to post a little blogeroon-toonski while I wait.

I got another copyediting job last week and it's a pretty big one, so I'm happy about that. And a proofreading job should arrive tomorrow. I like to do the hardcopy proofreading--it's a nice change from all the computer copyediting I do. Plus the little symbols are fun and could be the reason I got into this business in the first place.

Steve is very excited about the Tampa Bay Rays playing postseason; there is a game on now, in fact, so--Go Rays!

It's been kind of a slow week, I suppose . . . not a lot to report.

Questions? Well, sure.

1. What cause or condition could you be the poster child for?
Weeeeelllll . . . I can't really think of anything. I tend not to get too excited about causes and I don't have a condition (that I know of). Maybe animal rights? But then I don't think I could be a "poster child" because I don't really do anything to further the cause besides not eating animals. And playing with Junior Mints! He's the best.

2. Do you know CPR?
No, but I think I could fake it.

3. How happy are you in general?
In general, pretty happy.

4. Have you ever been swindled out of money?
Well, I never knew about it until a couple of weeks ago, but apparently my siblings and I were swindled out of some money by some mysterious "business partner" of my grandfather's late second wife.

5. Are you into the whole anime craze?
No. And I really dislike the tears or sweat or whatever comes flying off Japanese-animated cartoon characters and the fact that they yell. All the time.

6. Do you have a secret life that few are aware of?
No! Why do you keep asking this question, Janet??

7. Have you ever witnessed or experienced smegma?
As far as I know, smegma has something to do with the peen and I don't think I've ever "witnessed" it. Somebody used to call the white smears on the tablecloths (from the whipped cream we put on the daquiris and pina coladas) at the comedy club "smegma" but I can't remember who.

8. When was the last time you did something illegal?
It's been a while.

9. Have you ever had a bad reaction to a medication?

10. If you could say one thing to Sarah Palin, what would it be?
I would probably imitate her accent, because I love to do that. And then I'd knock her glasses off and run out of the room making Daffy Duck noises. WoohooWOoHOO!

I think Keri's home! So long, suckahs!