Friday, January 30, 2009

Welcome Back.

1. Other than your ears, do you have any body piercings?

2. Are there any behaviors that you put up with when younger that you would never tolerate now?
I'm pretty tolerant of others' behaviors. The only thing I don't tolerate and didn't when I was younger is any kind of cruelty to animals and I don't like when people gang up on someone. Unless it's hilarious.

3. Have you ever deliberately or inadvertently "outed" someone?

4. What are some of your little luxuries?
Good cheese, trashy tabloid magazines, cigars.

5. Who do you feel sorry for?
Lindsay Lohan.

6. What foods do you frequently crave?
Salty, snacky foods and cheese. Vegetables.

7. Have you ever felt that you were born in the wrong decade or century?
Not really. I'm kind of drawn to the 1920s but I think it's just because I want to be a flapper.

8. What is the scariest book you have read or movie you have seen?
Book is probably Stephen King's "It." Movie is probably "The Shining."

9. What was the last thing you wasted money on?

10. Are there professions you think are sexy?
I find talent and confidence sexy in general. These things come in many different professions.

~Bonus Question~What floats your boat?
Laughing, cigars, wine, books, a new project, my animals, and good food.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Hope 2009 is good to us all!