Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yay! Boo!

This is a fun game and it will also fill you (whoever you may be) in on what's been happening in the world o' Robin.

My birthday was April 12 and I got lots of great presents, including a full-length (88 keys) keyboard that sounds and feels like a real piano, a book of great sheet music, a night at Grayl's hotel in St. Pete, an interesting and original piece of sculpture, a cool purse, beautiful Easter lillies, wine and wine glasses, a box of my favorite cigars, gift cards, and a surprise mini-party at New World Brewery in Ybor. YAY!!

I found a gray hair and an almost white eyebrow hair. BOO!!

I went to see Fleetwood Mac in concert and it was a lot of fun. YAY!!

I'm not going to Aerosmith in July. BOO!!

I'm taking advantage of my new health insurance and getting all kinds of checkups. YAY!!

I'm really nervous about the dermatology one on Friday where I get my moles checked out and screened for skin cancer. BOO!!

Steve just booked tickets for New York in August! YAY!!

I have jury duty May 18. BOO!! (This could change to a YAY!! if it's a really interesting case and I'm suddenly living in some kind of Grishamesque legal thriller.)

I've been keeping busy with lots of work. YAY!!

One of my clients just dropped their freelance rates significantly. BOO!!

Keri and I are obsessed with MarioKart on Wii. YAY!!

This gives me another way to procrastinate when I should be working. BOO!!

I'll leave you (again--who are you?) with some of the best YAYs of all. We invited Molly and Peter over last Saturday night and a good time was had by everyone, especially, apparently, Chester.




And Chester

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