Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Random Thursday Mystery

Hallo. I'm home alone tonight! Steve went to his high school reunion and so I have the house to myself for two days. Well, to myself and one big nasty spider that I tried to catch in the kitchen, who then proceeded to "disappear" into the living room so who knows where it is now. Right behind me, you say? I put Cosmo on the case but she seems to prefer sitting in my lap. You can't train cats, I say. I worked all day--until almost 9--PM!!--this is not the Robin I know and love. She was much lazier. So now I'm drinking some Pinot Noir and catching up on some internet fun time. I'm queer for red wine lately, used to be I'd only drink white unless red was all that was left in the wee hours after the beer was gone. But now I love it! I don't know how it happened. I want to blame my dad and Sarah but they are clearly not the culprits. Although they do love them some red, red wine. Last night Steve and I went to a cigar bar and got a pitcher of Sangria and there must've been 12 glasses hidden in that sucker. It was quite a good deal. And a lovely Spanish-style pitcher that I wanted to steal, but it was far too cumbersome. So, what else did I want to tell you? Oh, this morning I was thinking about how at the 4th of July party my aunt was asking (I almost went with aksing--I see how that can happen now) if Steve and I were going to get married. And I foresee a lot of that line of questioning since we've been together for 5+ years now. And I don't have an answer for that. So, I was workshopping some responses, other than my typical "No, not anytime soon, maybe someday, blah, blah, blah" go-to. And I think I've settled on--well, it'll work better if I set it up for you:
Relative: So, are you and Steve going to get married?
Me: Oh, we've decided to let Brangelina make the first move.
Me (firmly): The ball is in their court.
Well, on to the title of this post--the Random Thursday Mystery! For over a year now, this lady on mediabistro has been posting Random Thursday Questions every Thursday without fail. Not today. And no one knows why! No one is panicking yet, but there have been some concerned queries. And no response! What happened, Janet? What will I blog about without your quirky questions? I'm sure me and my Pinot Noir will come up with something. First, I'm going to do a quick bedcheck on the animals. ***** Everyone is where they should be. I brought Chester in for the night because, let's face it, a girl like me could use a little muscle in the house in this neighborhood. And Chester will bite your ass.
Today I got a message from an author whose book I proofread. I put most of the books I proofread or copyedit on my goodreads profile and this author stumbled across it and sent me a message. So it's a good thing I always give my books five stars. This particular book was a pleasure to read and I told them so. I like something about all the books I read (probably why I'm in this line of work). You know what I don't like? Bibliographies. References. Works Cited. Foot- and/or endnotes. I say leave them out of it and plagiarism be damned.
Next weekend I'm going to Richmond for a family reunion of sorts. It's my grandmother's birthday and her health is not the best so my grandpa put the word out and we're all going up to see them. It should be fun (except the not-the-best-health part); I can't wait to see everybody. We got to see a lot of family for Coley and Bridgette's wedding last November but there are a few who couldn't make it (grandparents included) who it will be really nice to hang out with for the weekend. Then in August my friend Cory is getting married and I'll get to see all kinds of high school friends I haven't seen in years. I'm looking forward to that, too.
Weeellll, I guess that'll do it. Oh! There was a story in the paper today about a woman who got the tip of her finger bitten off in a fight in line at the butcher shop. Some misunderstanding about whose number should go first sort of thing gone horribly wrong. The best part of the story was--this is the second time the tip of her finger has gotten bitten off in a fight. The first time they were able to reattach the tip. Not this time. (By the way, she's been arrested over 30 times; she gets in fights a lot.) She might want to rethink her fish-hook fight move. My favorite part of the story was her quote: "Why my finger? I don't know who's going to put a ring on a nub." I think I'll leave you with that.
Confidential to my older sister readers: Hope you feel better, Kers!


Unknown said...

I think the nub line is your answer to people asking about you and Steve getting hitched.

Have you ever clicked the handicapped icon next to your word verification? Freaky.

Robin said...

Ah, yes. And then I'll give the person a nub bird!

Keri said...

Thanks pal- I too am impressed about the lady having the tip of her finger bitten off twice. Was it the same finger?? She must be one annoying finger-in-your face arguer. I could see myself biting a finger that was annoyingly pointing too close to my face during an arguement. What a claim to fame :) So- Brangelina set a date, what now?

Keri said...

yes, I totally made up the random questions- Janet beware :)