Thursday, July 17, 2008

Road Rage

We leave for Richmond tonight! From what I understand, quite late. Midnight? Later? I'm not sure. I plan on getting a little shut-eye on the road, so hopefully Coley and Mandy won't bug me too much. I'm fairly sure I won't be driving. If you wait until you're 23 to get your license, for some reason people don't think you're a good driver. So I'll be working all day and then hitting the road tonight. It will be fabulous to have three days off! Although I'm a little behind so that means next week will be a little nutsy. And for some reason when I was calling my other job this morning to leave a message saying I wouldn't be coming in today, I panicked and said something about maybe working some extra hours next week to try and get these Pinellas records in the system. (I know that means nothing to you people, but try to keep up.) Why did I say that? I don't plan on working extra hours next week! I have too much reading to do. This is why I don't like to leave messages when I haven't thought them through first. Hopefully they won't notice.
Last night we went up to the comedy club and watched some painful open-mike crapola. I don't even really like to watch good comics on stage anymore, so this was hard to sit through. But then Coley went up and did his 5 minutes (the reason we were there) and he was great! A whole new 5 minutes, good stuff. A completely unexpected Irish accent opened his set. I didn't know Coley could do an Irish accent.
What else is new? Steve had fun at his reunion. I found some time to clean the house and the floors are already a mess again. This morning one of our outdoor kitties was curled up on the chaise lounge in the backyard. The dogs were out for their walk. I had to relocate him out front; we don't need a Chester-kitty confrontation. A little later, after Steve and the dogs were back, I was checking out the tomato plant and suddenly there was another of the outdoor kitties, hiding behind a flower pot! This one won't let me pick him up so I just kind of herded him to the fence and he jumped over. Chester didn't see him until he was over the fence, and then he didn't even really do anything so maybe now he loves cats. Probably not.
The Random Thursday Question lady is back in action this week. However, I like Keri's questions from last week better, so I'd rather do those.
1. Can you walk by a mirror, window, what have you- and not look at your reflection to check yourself out?
No. It's the worst if I go to a restaurant and get seated across from a mirror.

2. Do you pick or blow your nose?
Snot rockets all the way.

3. Do you possess the "spitting" talent?
Unfortunately no. It's a disaster when I try.

4. What is something you ate regularly as a kid, but no longer eat?
I'll agree with Keri and say bologna sandwiches. I used to love them. No longer. By the way, Keri, Steve loves fake bologna and if he ate meat he'd eat the real stuff, so some adults do still eat it.

5. Why did the deaf blonde sit on the newspaper?Answer to follow to those who leave comments- I want to know what you think may be the answer.
I have no idea and as you know, I don't like jokes. Especially deaf blonde jokes.

6. Fundraisers, do you think all the money raised really goes to the cause?
In one way or another, I think so. If it doesn't you usually hear about it.

7. What is your highest bowling score?
223? Something like that. Ususally I hover around 100-130.

8. Thoughts about manners, are they necessary or are they for conformists?
I don't think they are necessary, but I do think they make things a lot more pleasant.

9. Now a days, are there really "accidental" pregnancies?
Well, I think I see what you're getting at, Keri, but I would have to say yes, I think there are plenty of people who get pregnant and don't plan on it and so it is an "accident." I don't think that's changed with the times. There's always been ways to take precautions (down to just not doing it) and women still manage to get knocked up.

10. Out of the 20 people you know personally, and you were on Survivor- who would be the first to be voted off? and who would you keep till the end??
This question makes me laugh because it sounds so specific "out of the 20 people you know personally"--how do you know I only know 20 people? :) Anyway--first voted off: I have to agree again and go with Aaron. Keep: Cosmo. (and Keri and Steve).

~Bonus Question~ Please list your 6 favorite numbers, 1-59- I'm playing lotto this week.
Can you even have 6 favorite numbers? After two or three, they don't seem like favorites anymore. Are you still playing lotto? 11-12-3-7-4-8.

And back to work for me!! Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Confidential to my younger sister readers: Congratulations!!!!!!! Lots to talk about on the road trip!

1 comment:

Keri said...

Thank you- I will keep up with the questions if I think of it. The joke- so she could lip read. Awful I know. See you in Richmond- ja wohlskis :)