Friday, November 14, 2008

Quick Questions = Quickstions

1. Have you ever been suckered into buying something?
Nothing too expensive, but lots of little things.

2. Do you wash your hair or body first when taking a shower?
It depends on if I'm deep conditioning the hair. Which is almost never. So, body first and then hair.

3. When was the last time you were vituperative?
It's rare.

4. What are your most common food cravings?
Cheese, olives, hummus, pita, onions, garlic, mushrooms . . . I'm hungry. Carraba's with Steve and his mom tonight--risotto di mare, here I come!

5. How much money is in your wallet at this moment?
I opened it to check and a couple of those little cartoon moths came fluttering out. I can't believe I spent my last three bucks on cartoon moths! And why do I keep them in my wallet?

6. What is your least favorite bill that you pay each month?

7. When was the last time you felt inadequate?
Whenever I try to do any heavy lifting.

8. What foods make you poop?
I'll go with whoever said, technically, all of them.

9. Do you ever fear for your safety?
In an irrational way if I'm home alone in the middle of the night. Or when I'm flying on a plane.

10. What age do you expect to live to?
I hope to live to at least 100.

~Bonus Question~What should George Bush do in his retirement?
Concentrate on the family's baked beans business.

1 comment:

Sionnach said...

You know, if it was up to just me, I would love to go. I'd be there in a heartbeat. But knowing Frank, he's going to bring up money issues and a million other reasons why we shouldn't... and most of them will likely be valid.