Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well, time for a monthly post. I like to call them my "monthlies" because any chance I get to reference the menstrual cycle, I take it. In your face, boys.
It's been a busy month. I've had a lot of work, we went to Universal Studios (I think that was in September, but I can't be sure), went to Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens, went swimming with horses in Anna Maria, went wedding-dress-trying-on with Mandy, had Cory and Natalie over for drinks and cigars, and are building a deck. A lot of that happened just last weekend. It's been fun and hectic. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow and once I'm done, I'm cracking open a bottle of red and sitting on the deck and relaxing for a couple of days. Here are some random questions, remember I used to post them here all the time? That's so 2008!
1. In your opinion, do you think humans are meant to be monogamous? I think we can be, I don't know if we were "meant" to be. Who knows that kind of stuff?
2. Have you ever fainted or almost passed out from receiving bad news? I almost fainted reading this question.

3. If your paycheck stopped tomorrow, how long would it be until you were flat broke? A couple of minutes.
4. What body type or shape do you find particularly attractive? I don't really have a "type." Just no fat chicks!

5. Were you ever spanked or hit by a teacher as a kid? I got paddled in preschool for throwing dirt in some kid's eyes.
6. Do you know someone who has overdosed on drugs? Yes.
7. Have you ever eaten or tasted dog or cat food? Maybe as a kid?
8. Do you know someone who is extraordinary who doesn't realize just how extraordinary they are? I don't think so.

9. Have you ever met a creepy or spooky child? Probably some creepsters but no one spooky comes to mind.

10. What was the worst way you have been dumped? I've never gotten dumped in a particularly imaginative or horrible way--just the usual stuff.

And I'll leave you with this peaceful image of me enjoying a cute little ride at Universal:

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