Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays!

One of these days, I'll get around to another post. Til then--Happy Holidays!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well, time for a monthly post. I like to call them my "monthlies" because any chance I get to reference the menstrual cycle, I take it. In your face, boys.
It's been a busy month. I've had a lot of work, we went to Universal Studios (I think that was in September, but I can't be sure), went to Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens, went swimming with horses in Anna Maria, went wedding-dress-trying-on with Mandy, had Cory and Natalie over for drinks and cigars, and are building a deck. A lot of that happened just last weekend. It's been fun and hectic. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow and once I'm done, I'm cracking open a bottle of red and sitting on the deck and relaxing for a couple of days. Here are some random questions, remember I used to post them here all the time? That's so 2008!
1. In your opinion, do you think humans are meant to be monogamous? I think we can be, I don't know if we were "meant" to be. Who knows that kind of stuff?
2. Have you ever fainted or almost passed out from receiving bad news? I almost fainted reading this question.

3. If your paycheck stopped tomorrow, how long would it be until you were flat broke? A couple of minutes.
4. What body type or shape do you find particularly attractive? I don't really have a "type." Just no fat chicks!

5. Were you ever spanked or hit by a teacher as a kid? I got paddled in preschool for throwing dirt in some kid's eyes.
6. Do you know someone who has overdosed on drugs? Yes.
7. Have you ever eaten or tasted dog or cat food? Maybe as a kid?
8. Do you know someone who is extraordinary who doesn't realize just how extraordinary they are? I don't think so.

9. Have you ever met a creepy or spooky child? Probably some creepsters but no one spooky comes to mind.

10. What was the worst way you have been dumped? I've never gotten dumped in a particularly imaginative or horrible way--just the usual stuff.

And I'll leave you with this peaceful image of me enjoying a cute little ride at Universal:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Junior, Wedding, New Car, New York

Junior Mints made the paper today, much to my delight! I sent this picture in last year sometime and they finally published it today. I love it!

So much has been going on since my last "post" (I don't know if it counts if I just post pictures) and I don't have time to go over it all. So, I'll give the condensed version.

1. My dad got married! July 8th in Richmond. Keri, Coley, Mandy, Frank, Theresa, and I drove up in a caravan and spent a couple of days up there with the family. It was great seeing everyone and the wedding was really pretty and touching and lots of fun. Plus, we got to hit South of the Border on the way up and on the way down.

There we are arriving at what I like to call the Crappiest Place on Earth. And I mean that will all due respect for the unique and wonderful tackiness that is South of the Border. For instance, we met this fine fellow there:
That's just a tiny taste of what awaits you should you choose to make the trip to S. of the B. I highly recommend it. And here are some pictures of the wedding so you don't think the most important thing about the trip was S. of the B.

A great time twas had by all.

2. We got a new car! We both loved the Mercedes but Steve was wanting something a little roomier because we like to take the dogs out and we're going to start camping in the fall. So we got a 2007 Dodge Magnum. It is fire-engine red with custom wheels (20" rims, suckahs) and we were complimented by complete strangers on the test drive. We think it will up our street cred in the neighborhood considerably.

3. We went to New York for a short little vacation and it was awesome. I love that city. I got to see my friend and roommate in college, Diana, and Steve got to see a friend from high school that he hasn't seen since his senior year. And we hung out with another friend of Steve's and his girlfriend and just generally had a great time.

We've been back in Tampa since Sunday and are back into the work groove and looking forward to our fall bowling league starting up in September.

Now you're up to date.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

I'd stay and chat but I have to copyedit some more pages, go to the store, clean the house, and get my 4th of July grill-out partay on. Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yay! Boo!

This is a fun game and it will also fill you (whoever you may be) in on what's been happening in the world o' Robin.

My birthday was April 12 and I got lots of great presents, including a full-length (88 keys) keyboard that sounds and feels like a real piano, a book of great sheet music, a night at Grayl's hotel in St. Pete, an interesting and original piece of sculpture, a cool purse, beautiful Easter lillies, wine and wine glasses, a box of my favorite cigars, gift cards, and a surprise mini-party at New World Brewery in Ybor. YAY!!

I found a gray hair and an almost white eyebrow hair. BOO!!

I went to see Fleetwood Mac in concert and it was a lot of fun. YAY!!

I'm not going to Aerosmith in July. BOO!!

I'm taking advantage of my new health insurance and getting all kinds of checkups. YAY!!

I'm really nervous about the dermatology one on Friday where I get my moles checked out and screened for skin cancer. BOO!!

Steve just booked tickets for New York in August! YAY!!

I have jury duty May 18. BOO!! (This could change to a YAY!! if it's a really interesting case and I'm suddenly living in some kind of Grishamesque legal thriller.)

I've been keeping busy with lots of work. YAY!!

One of my clients just dropped their freelance rates significantly. BOO!!

Keri and I are obsessed with MarioKart on Wii. YAY!!

This gives me another way to procrastinate when I should be working. BOO!!

I'll leave you (again--who are you?) with some of the best YAYs of all. We invited Molly and Peter over last Saturday night and a good time was had by everyone, especially, apparently, Chester.




And Chester