Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bitte ein Bit!

Here's what I was doing about a year ago:

And today? Well, I worked for about ten thousand hours. So, a quick blogster before I collapse into my bed and hopefully dream about having supernatural powers again. Let's see, let's see. Well, Richmond was a whirl. Long drive up, funny times with Coley, Mandy, Bridgette, and South of thee Border. Long night of drinking by the pool with my dad, Mands, Keri, Sarah, and her sister. Then over to my grandparents' house on Saturday, which was really great and really sad. My grandma is not doing so hot and it was hard to see her like that. But it was wonderful to be around that side of the family again and see relatives that I love that I haven't seen in years. And my dad announced his and Sarah's engagement. This is on top of Mandy announcing her and Frank's engagement. What the hell is going on, I say! Love is in the air. Speaking of love, I booked my flight and hotel to San Fran for Cory's wedding today. That should be fun. Steve-o is coming with me and he's already found a cigar bar we can go to Saturday night. He is nuts-o for cigars-o. And as long as we're on the love subject, I just got a new client--Harlequin, Ltd. Yes, yes, I'm going to be copyediting romance novels! It should be fairly steady and they pay decently and it will be a loverly break from reading books with notes and bibliographies. Although, I should still be reading those, just also reading romance novels. I'm excited. If it all comes through the way it should, it will be time to drop my 5 hours a week (pretty chintzy) at my other job and just be a freelance copyeditor/proofreader. It will be fun and strange to just work for myself (and my editors, obviously), but always making my own schedule and being large Marge in charge. Good stuff.
OK, OK, I'll get to the Random Thursday Questions. I have a lot more to say, but I am quite tired. And I have a bibliography to do tomorrow and it looks like a dooooozy.
1. When was the last time you lost your dignity?
I drink a bit so it happens all the time.

2. If you were forced to sing a karaoke song, what would you sing?
You probably wouldn't have to force me (see Question 1) and I like to sing "Thunder Road."

3. Do you own any fake or knock-off items that you pass off as the real deal?
Besides my fake boobs? My knock-off knockers, as I like to call them.

4. Other than family, who are you most happy to see each day?

5. What have you learned by just hanging back and observing?
Most of what I know.

6. What item(s) must you buy every week?
Trashy tabloid magazines.

7. What are you presently on a quest for?
Buried treasure.

8. Do you know any bimbos?

9. Do you have any true enemies?
I have an arch nemesis.

10. What do you need to get rid of but just can't bring yourself to part with it?
Lots of clothes. A bad attitude.

~Bonus Question~Have you ever been alarmed at the smell of your own body?
Not alarmed, no. Fascinated? Maybe. Kind of proud of myself? Sure.

And I'm off to sleep! Gute nacht! Tschuesssssss!!


Unknown said...

Cigar bar in San Francisco? You can't smoke indoors in California. You can't even smoke outdoors in a lot of places. Unless it's a "private club" maybe? Tell me how that works.

How exciting about Harlequin! I'm so glad you're not going to be a comedy club waitress for the rest of your life. I was worried for awhile. Worried.

My stupid college roommate (the one who was so Catholic she "couldn't even talk" about birth control because it upset her so much, then she got knocked up by her boyfriend) would always talk about her "enemies" in a non-ironic way.

Robin said...

It says it's one of the few "smoking bars" in San Francisco; they have a heated patio or somesing where you can enjoy your stogie. That's how that works.
I am excited about Harlequin. My biggest client now is all nonfiction, heavy, research-type books which is all fine and good but it'll be nice to mix it up with some fiction.
I don't remember this stupid college roommate of yours! No wonder she had enemies.

Keri said...

How's Steve-o-Rino handling all this wedding chaos?? Hopefully- you, Mands, and Sarah could do a triple- free-for-all, knock-down, blow-out, well you know the moves- sorry to cut short, but you know me... I'm down with OPP...

Unknown said...

I think you met her. In fact, I know you met her. Her friend wouldn't let us smoke in her car? We went with them to The Howlin' Wolf and played a round or two of billiards? No? Well, take my word for it.

Robin said...

Did she nickname herself Madison?