Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jeez Louise!

WELL, my dear friends, I'm back after rather an extended absence. Did anyone notice? Shame on you if not. First my computer caught a couple of rather nasty little viruses that put me out of business for a couple days and cost me some stinkin' money. Then I had to make up for lost time so I've been copyediting like a sonuvabitch for days now. On top of that one of my clients is giving me project after project, which is great, but keeps me really busy and a little frazzled. No time for blogs! Or cleaning the house. Or doing laundry. But I'll work, work, work for the next month or so and then maybe I'll take a small break. Probably not but I like to pretend.

Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July! We went to a party at my cousins' house. The 4th is their son's birthday so they have a fun party with pinatas, games, booze, food, and fireworks every year. Keri, Theresa, and I were the last to leave for the second year in a row, thank you very much. And we sang some patriotic songs that I'm sure the extended family enjoyed. Saturday was a lazy day, some red wine and stogirillos on the deck, and today has been a work and get organized day. And now I think I'll have some of Steve's award-winning chili and watch some Curb Your Enthusiasm. Which reminds me, I think it would be funny if every time you said something rude, or the situation got really awkward for some reason, you waited until it was quiet and then started humming the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song. And then I think you should hold out your hand and say, "Friends?" Because everyone loves that.

Oh!--here are Thursday's Random Questions, coming to you on a Sunday evening.
1. What sounds do you hear at this very moment?
Rain, an airplane, the TV in the living room where Steve is watching it.

2. When was the last time you lost your temper?
It's been awhile since I've gotten really mad. I get irritated a lot but I'm not a big temper loser, in general.

3. Does your resume contain a little/a lot/or no embellishment?
None anymore.

4. What cliche or phrase makes you cringe?
Last call!

5. What is an instant mood booster for you?
The animals, rainbows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme music, Super Mario Bros., the ocean, stogies and red wine on the deck. Instant downers? Big spiders, and mysterious ailments (frinstance, I think my left leg is caving in).

6. What is the worst thing you have ever been called?
I've been called lots of things, I can't think of the worst. It would upset me a lot if someone called me "stupid" and really thought I was stupid, but I can think of no corresponding life experience right now.

7. In your opinion, who or what is "the next big thing?"
Your nose, after I punch it.

8. In what way(s) could you be considered rude?
The way I arbitrarily punch people in the nose.

9. What do you find unbelievably sexy?
Talent and confidence.

10. What areas of your life need a complete overhaul?
Time management.

No bonus question this week, I didn't like it. Gotta gooooo!


Sionnach said...

Well, I noticed. Good to have you back, dearo.

Keri said...

Hey Stupid, I mean Robin- glad to have you back!

Robin said...

Thanks, sistos. Appreciate your readership.