Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well, hello there, and welcome back. This will be fairly brief as I need to get to work on a copyediting project. No, no, don't try and stop me--I need to make a living somehow. Since it is Thursday, we'll just dive right into Random Thursday Questions. (And by the way, my sister Mandy wins the *grand prize of the secret contest I had going for best answer to last week's random rant. Asked if she had anything she wanted to get off her chest, she replied, "Mouth-breathers, this is your final warning." and I laughed and laughed.) O.K., here we go!!

1. How often per day do you feel ugly?
Well, let me just consult my personal "Ugly Feelings Per Day" journal and tally up . . . I don't really think about it too much.

2. Have you ever sucked the toes of another person?
Grody to the max.

3. Have you ever witnessed "what goes around comes around" in action?
There was a story about a guy trying to shoot some puppies and somehow one of the puppies ended up shooting him, but I didn't personally witness it.

4. In what ways are you parsimonious?
I've always been kind of a cheapo.

5. Are there any parts of your body that you are ashamed of?
At the gym sometimes I am ashamed of the spaghetti-stick weakness of my arms. And in some lights, I think I might have a slight moustache.

6. Was there a teacher or professor that changed your life?
I really liked my second grade teacher, Miss Moore. She was great. And I had a teacher in college, Andrea Greenbaum, that really inspired me.

7. What is the most ironic thing that has happened to you recently?
I was at a picnic and all I really needed was a knife, but all I found were, like, ten thousand spoons.

8. Has someone ever saved your life, either figuratively or literally?
Not dramatically.

9. What is your biggest time waster?
Perez Hilton and mediabistro probably.

10. At this moment, how many people are you mad at?
No one. But I am mad about violins.

~Bonus Question~Do you ever blow your nose while in the shower?
I'm not sure how this would work. Like snot rockets?

In other news, I completed and sent off a copyediting test for a big publisher today, and it would be great if I get the gig. And last night while Steve was standing in the (fenced-in) backyard, a stranger came running through, jumped over the fence, and took off down the street. Chester didn't get the chance to bite him, unfortunately. And that's that! I'll leave you with these pictures of my cats, indoor and the neighborhood scavengers we feed:

*there is no grand prize, Mandy.

1 comment:

Sionnach said...

What, no grand prize?! Why you little...