Friday, June 6, 2008

To me, you look like number two. If you know what I mean.

Aaaaaannnnnd we're back.

Happy Friday, everyone! Except for people that work on the weekends. Oh, wait, that's me. I take it back then--hope your weekend sucks it! Today, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to do a little something a poster on mediabistro likes to call "Random Thursday Questions." She posts them every Thursday in the Off Topic forum and everyone answers them and it's SO much fun I can hardly stand it. These little beauties will hopefully entertain you and maybe you'll even learn something. And feel free to answer them yourselves. Do it, it's fun. (Oh, and I realize it's not Thursday, but what's a gal to do?) Hold on to your hats!!

1. Do you know any true misanthropes?
Oh, I don't think so.

2. What has been your rock bottom?
I don't think I've hit "rock bottom" and I don't like your tone.

3. Has a spouse or partner of a friend ever hit on you, and if so, how did you handle it?
Nothing too scandalous to report. There may be some drunken moments out there, but nothing springs to mind, so then again, there may not.

4. Have you ever questioned your sexuality?
No. I gave it a stern talking-to in the late 90s but it just flipped me the bird.

5. In what ways to you live "green?"
Well, I don't drive very much. We take our own reusable bags to the store. Vegetarian. We have a rain barrel and we just started to compost, too. (I have a kind of funny story about the compost class we went to and perhaps I'll share it sometime.) We recycle.

6. Have you ever seen something in the sky such as a UFO, that you just couldn't explain?

7. In what ways are you a freak?
I have some OCD issues. Checking and rechecking locked doors, I have to tear toilet paper off the roll in a straight line or it really bugs me.

8. What is the biggest risk you have taken this week?
It's been a slow week as far as risks go.

9. Do you think there someone at this very moment thinking about you?
Probably Steve. And he's probably thinking, "When is she going to get off the computer?" We have plans for lunch.

10. Are you presently keeping a juicy secret?
I can't keep a secret; I hate myself.

~Bonus Question~Time for our random rant. What would you like to get off your chest?
Besides this uncomfortable bra? Ha ha, I kid, but ladies, for real, right? Huh? Am I right??
Random rant--where my mothafuckin economic stimulus package at?

So, that was great, eh? I thought so, too. Well, I'm off to eat fajitas (or maybe enchiladas, I haven't decided) so I'll leave you with a photo of my leetle dog. He's going for a haircut today and he needs it! Maybe I'll post his after picture--won't that be fun!! And here is the after photo! Yay Junior!

1 comment:

Sionnach said...

Interesting. As you can see, I was inspired to start my own blog here as well.