Sunday, August 3, 2008

I should be working . . .

. . but I'm having trouble concentrating. Perhaps the high-jinks we got up to last night are to blame, perhaps the general burnout I'm experiencing after busting serious ass the past couple of weeks could have something to do with it. We hit the town to celebrate Steve's birthday last night. Bar-hopping around the South Tampa and Ybor scenes. Some nice appetizers (flatbread pizza--highly recommend it) at Timpano's in Hyde Park, the Corner Bar (a little disappointing), then down to Ybor for a cigar at King Corona's, a jager-bomb at Reservoir, and a nightcap at Fuma Bella's. We met up with Keri and a friend of hers from work and a good time was had by all. That's me and Keri at the Corner Bar at the relative beginning of the evening. She curled my hair for me and I was feeling pretty cutesy. There's Keri and Steve at the King Corona stage of the night. I think Keri was being an assassin. That's a weird word to write--assassin. Kind of silly, really. So, yes, it was a fun night and today I don't feel like reading. I didn't feel like reading yesterday either so I'm getting a little behind as I like to do. Which means I'll be working overtime this week to make up for it. Eh, who cares, I say. I did finish the Africa book on time; it was a good one. And I'd like to send the author a thank-you note for already using the en dash instead of the hyphen between page number ranges, thusly saving me oodles of time. Oodles, I tell you. Well, I punked out on the Random Thursday Questions this past week and Kers stepped in to save the day again. So, I'll get to those blokes and then I'll have to bid you all a fond adieu.

1. When showering- in what order do you wash and clean yourself, including hair? Were you taught or did you perfect your own strategy??
Usually I lather up and then shampoo, put conditioner in, shave, rinse conditioner, then get the f out of the shower because I don't like it in there. Self-taught.

2. Who is the biggest gossip in your family?
I think we all like to talk a little trash. I know I do.

3. Who is the most influential person in your life right now?
I don't know.

4. Have you ever been constipated, and if so what did you do?
As a little kid, I remember an incident after I went to Girl Scouts camp for a weekend and apparently just held it the whole time. I don't remember what was done for it. And Keri seems to remember another time when she was babysitting me and I was in some pain and she had to call around for remedies but I don't remember that.

5. What reality TV Show would you want to be on right now?
I agree with you, Keri, and go with the Dog Whisperer. Also maybe one of the home shows where I'm moving on up to a bigger house with more than one bathroom.

6. Do you have a certain word or phrase you always use that you are aware of? If not- ask your friends/ family for the answer...
I'm not sure--what do you think, Keri?

7. What video game would you challenge your friends to for a $1,000,000 prize.
Certain friends--Mortal Combat. Mario Kart minus Coley/Toad.

8. Out of all the people you know- who would you vote for President?
Steve or Keri.

9. If you were President- what would be you number 1 change? And who would be your VP??
I'm going to take a pass on this one because I don't have time to come up with a good answer right now. VP--PM.

10. What is your favorite- cheeseiest- movie of all times?
Back to the Beach comes to mind. Big Trouble in Little China was kind of cheesy but a pretty awesome movie with some good quotes.

~Bonus Question~ What is the weirdest game you ever made up to play when you were a child, an original home-made that makes you laugh to this day?
Lost Kitten. Enough said.

Thanks for the questions, Keri! Back to work . . .

1 comment:

Keri said...

still don't know what you always say- except for your phone messages never vary... same voice, same tone, same speed... interesting??!!