Friday, August 8, 2008

Parsimonious Persimmons!

Wuz up or down? That's how I used to start many a middle school note to a friend. I sent this picture of my leetle dog to the paper and hopefully they'll publish it in one of the Wednesday issues:
Isn't he the cutest? I just love that Junior Mints. So, today is a workday, tomorrow is a work morning and then a shopping afternoon (I need some shoes for the wedding I'm going to next weekend), and then a work evening. Sunday more workski. I seem to do a lot of it. Except right now. Oh, and we might have the book club meeting on Saturday afternoon, too. Actually at the mall (maybe P.F. Changs?) so as to save some time and kill two birds with one stone and all that other mothajazz. The book was my pick this time, The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. I'll tell you guys, if you're looking for a feel-good novel, this is the one! Full of hope and happiness. Wait . . . that was another book entirely. The Road is not full of hope and happiness, but it is definitely worth a read. And I see that they are in post-production of the film based on the book which I find quite interesting. I didn't think "they" (Hollywood, not Bernie Horowitz) would want to make a movie out of this bleak, bleak tale. But they did and we'll just have to see how it worked out. Okey dokes. On to the Random Thursday Questions because I feel I've wasted enough of everyone's precious time. (Is that passive-aggression?)
1. How would the person who likes you the least describe you?
Annoying? Obnoxious? I don't know who this person is, but they had it coming.
2. How would the person who loves you the most describe you?
Funny, kind, smart. Annoying and obnoxious.
3. How would you describe you?
4. What is your favorite song at the moment?
I don't like to play favorites.
5. When was the last time you displayed false humility?
I don't know. Sometimes I think the lady who writes these has a really specific event that happened to her in mind when she asks certain questions.
6. Do you have any hypochondriac tendencies?
Many, many, many. I always think something's wrong with me.
7. Do you have a shit list, and if so, how many people are on it?
No, I don't. But I think it would be really funny and creepy if someone had an actual list entitled "Shit List" and wrote the names of people they didn't like on it.
8. Have you ever accepted an invitation to an event and then canceled because something better came up?
No, I don't think so. I've canceled for other lame reasons, though.
9. Do you have any obsessive compulsive traits?
Many, many, many. Locks, stoves, little weird rituals for things--I'm getting worse as I get older, so my friends and family have that to look forward to.
10. Have you ever slept with someone on a first date?
~Bonus Question~Have you ever had a hemorrhoid?
Maybe. I'm not sure and I think if I did, I would know it. Once I had 'roid rage.
All right, then! I'm off to read more about gendered liberalization and you're off to do whatever it is that you do.

1 comment:

Keri said...

you don't have a shit list eh? I think you should start one- let me know when I make the cut :)