Friday, August 29, 2008

Long and Lazy Weekend Edition

Yay for long weekends and when you actually don't have to work during them. That seems to be the case for me, and it also appears that I will spend this nonworking weekend around the ol' house. Not jet-setting around the country. So, I plan to clean the house, which is very exciting. And tonight we're going to Spring Hill to have dinner with Steve's mom and tomorrow maybe up to the club to see a comic we know and like. Sunday I think we're going to invite some people over for a little bbq action (I'm going to make herb-rubbed grilled scallops--with fake scallops! Vegetarianism has come a long way. We'll probably have burgers, too, for the nonadventureous among us). Speaking of vegetarians, Steve and I went to the monthly dinner with the Tampa Bay Vegetarians on Tuesday. They do it every month on the last Tuesday of the month, patronizing different vegetarian-friendly restaurants around the bay area. It was our first dinner with the group and it was pretty fun. It helps that it was at one of our favorite restaurants, but the people were really nice and we had a good time. We'll probably go to the next one. Last night we saw The Dark Knight, finally, because I like to be a good month behind the rest of the country. I thought it was good; very well done. It's been quite a while since I've seen a movie in the theater. Saturday the garbagemen are coming around the neighborhood and picking up big garbage, so everyone has got their shit out on the curb, including us. We got the garage cleaned up pretty well, and I even threw away some stuff I've been holding onto since the 1990s. And I think that's it for exciting news from me! So, here are the Random Thursday Questions and I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!!

1. Have you ever knowingly used someone to get something you want?
Not really in an soap opera evil twin kind of way, but yes, I'm sure I've used someone on some level to get something I want.

2. In your opinion, is there a particular part of the world that produces exceptionally engaging or interesting people?
I like the Irish in general. But I think engaging and interesting people can be found all over the world.

3. What is an instant buzz kill for you?
The po-po.

4. Are there any general assumptions you find have some truth to them?
Nobody likes a whiner.

5. If you had a personal assistant, what tasks would you delegate to him/her?
Watering the plants, some light housekeeping, I'd have them write down the names of people I didn't like in a little book and then strike a line through them.

6. What would your ideal personal assistant look like?

7. Have you ever seriously choked on a piece of food?
I think when I was a kid I choked on a piece of steak and maybe I got the old upside-down treatment with a whack to the back. I might be making it up, though. Keri? Do you remember this?

8. What sayings or colloquialisms are unique to your geographic area?
There are so many different types of people in Florida, I don't think there's one saying or colloquialism that sums up the whole area.

9. Is there the contact information/address of a deceased person in your email address book or cell phone roster?

10. In what ways are you inept?
I'm not very good at small talk or most kinds of advanced math (however, trig--loved it). I'm not great at keeping secrets.

~Bonus Question~Who; what; when; where; and why?
Who: Me.
What: Done working for today.
When: Now.
Where: My house.
Why: TOO lazy!!


Keri said...

done working for the day at 10:42am?? Nice gig!

qory said...

once again proves my theory-- Quick Change is highly underrated =)