Thursday, June 26, 2008

Leapin' Lizards!

One morning when my brother and I were waiting for the manager to show up to unlock the door at the comedy club where we worked, a lizard jumped off the roof, sort of floated/glided to the ground between us, then took off running. Coley and I just looked at each other in delight, but I always wish I had thought to say "Leapin' Lizards!" because when else is it that appropriate?

We're back from a very nice relaxing beach mini-vacation. It was great--good food, beautiful beach, bloody marys at noon, fun company, and even one rainy day to go shopping. I enjoyed. And today I mailed off one proofreading project, leaving me with three copyediting projects to finish; one by Wednesday, the other two in mid to late July. Bing bang boom. And I got a check today that was really two copyediting jobs merged onto one check so it's nice and juicy. On the boo side, I will be working both Saturday and Sunday.
This morning I went in to my partest of part-time jobs to stuff some envelopes for two hours. As I was stuffing, my mind got to wandering and I realized something: Parody songs really went out of style, didn't they? For awhile they were quite popular and everyone knew the same ones, but then it seems as though we as a nation decided, "That'll do, Mr. Yankovic, that'll do. Just stick to VH1's I Love the Fillintheblank with Juliette Lewis and Hal Sparks." I guess some comics still write them, but they don't seem to be getting too much exposure.
You guys know what Thursday means!! That's right, rrrandom questiones. Let's get right to it, shall we?
1. What do you miss the most about your childhood?
My family being all together, moving around all over the place, my orange stuffed cat Sparkles, all my books I don't know what happened to, the best Christmases.

2. How many books would you estimate you own?
You mean besides the ones I had in childhood that have disappeared? A lot. Maybe hundreds. I can't get rid of books, I like to collect them and read them again and again.

3. Do you know any true visionaries?

4. Who is the neediest person you know?
Hmmm, Peter Martin?

5. What is your nighttime routine before tucking into bed?
Depends on the night. Usually, reading or TV and then sleepy time. Sometimes, it's a cigar and some drinks and then sleepy time.

6. Last week Bleak found someone's head. What's the most disgusting thing you've ever found?
(Just so you guys know, "Bleak" didn't find anyone's head. It was a joke gone horribly wrong.) I once found a decapitated squirrel in a parking lot. It was disturbing.

7. What scents or odors do you associate with bad memories?
Bacardi. Hospital scents.

8. Have you ever flirted with a teacher or professor to get better grades?

9. Have you ever been sued?
No. So sue me!

10. Do you have an unrequited love?
~Bonus Question~What has the past year been like for you?
A whirlwind of activity. I went to Germany for a month, I graduated, I started a new career--it's been pretty good.
So, there you have it, folks. I need to get back to work now so I'll just take off, if that's cool with you. OK. I'll leave you with a picture of the beautiful beach of Anna Maria Island:


Keri said...

Um- is Peter Martin code for Keri? Rude...

qory said...

That Leapin Lizards story reminds of why you should always keep a piece of paper in your pocket that says "Ah-ha!"