Friday, June 13, 2008

Linguistics, shminguistics

I am copyediting a book on linguistics and it is quite tricksy. It's well written and the author knows their stuff, but I have no idea what is happening in the pages I'm reading. Linguisticspeak makes my head spin. It's a pretty big project, and I will appreciate the pretty big paycheck, but I am earning every penny with this one. Well, it's Friday and my new favorite thing ever is a feature on Jezebel called Fine Lines. They reread and talk about YA books they loved as young gals and this week the book was Judy Blume's Deenie. I remember loving this book and also being terrified that I would get scoliosis and have to wear a horrible brace that would spell certain doom for my social life. I was probably 8 or 9. When I was in high school, I was told that I had "mild scoliosis" and I instantly flashed back to this book and freaked out until they told me it was no big deal and nothing would have to be done about it. Also in the book, Deenie has a "special place" that she rubs when she wants to relax and I never knew until reading this week's Fine Lines that she was actually masturbating. I thought it might just be some random place (elbow, forearm, who knows?) that she rubbed and for some reason it made her feel good. I think I missed a lot of things in the books I read when I was a kid. I also think I may have been reading some age-inappropriate material. Steve should be home soon with some wine and trashy tabloid magazines for me so it's time to go get my relax on. We here at Bandersnatch would like to leave you with a little something we like to call "Best Part/Worst Part" (completely stolen from my friend Cory's family--and I can't believe you don't do something like this on your blog or whatever it is you have, Cory) where we sum up the week thusly:
Best Part: A toss-up between getting a big copyediting project and Steve telling me "You can't just go stinking your way through life" when I didn't want to take a shower.
Worst Part: Some strange funk (or "creeping crud"--thanks Deenie!) on my elbow. The worst of it seems to have passed, fortunately.

Have a good weekend and take care of your "special place"!


Sionnach said...

The next time some uptight customer asks me to recommend something age-appropriate for their child I'm telling them to pick up Deenie.

Robin said...

You can't go wrong with Blume. I would also recommend V.C. Andrews.

Keri said...

When did you ever have the Deenie ailment? I don't remember that- or having read that either. I did read- "Are you there God, it's me Margaret" Same author?

Sionnach said...

RYC: Aye, I got the synopsissssss, thank ye. I got everything all printed it up and prepared to send off to TOR. I got a tip from one of Frank's regulars who apparently knows the author of Monsters of Templeton. She said to try Hyperion if TOR doesn't work out, but I haven't checked their website yet to see if they're taking unsolicited work.

qory said...

best part: Cheerios (this morning)
worst part: Cancer (in general)