Thursday, August 21, 2008

California, ssp, ssp. (just for you, Kers)

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen (is there a single dude who reads this blog? Identify yourself). I am back, bitches, from a quick jaunt to San Francisco. I truly am a jet-setter. Jetsetter? I have to question every word now, one of the perks of being a proofreading copyeditor. I guess I always did, though, and so the career is a good fit. Anyway, back to my jet-setting ways . . . Steve and I flew out to the west side for my good friend Cory's wedding. We left early Saturday morning, got in that afternoon and were picked up at the airport by these fine people:

Good friend from high school Natalie and her husband Richard. We went to the Fisherman's Wharf and did a little sightseeing, shopping, and one-beer drinking. Then it was back to the hotel to check in and meet up with these fine people for dinner:
Good friend from high school Marigold, her husband Steve, and their little boys Huck and Milo. We went to P.F. Chang's (where we had to wait an hour and a half for a table! For reals.) and had a lovely dinner with some lovely wine and laughs. Then it was back to the hotel for some cigars and good times with Cory's sister Megan, her husband, their cousin, Natalie, and Richard. The wedding was at 10:3o am the next morning so we didn't go too crazy. Although Steve did get a little drunk (I think it was the scotchski). We made it to the wedding, up a very tall and winding mountain in Berkeley; it was a really beautiful location, even though I kind of wanted to throw up a little of last night's wine on the way up there. The wedding was very pretty, the food was excellent, and we hung out there talking, laughing, and enjoying the day until about 3 pm. Here's me at the wedding, looking quite stylish:
Afterwards, we headed to Cory and Natalie's (also the bride's name) apartment for more hanging out, drinking, and laughing. It was great. I got to see Cory and finally meet Cory's bride Natalie, and she was very sweet. And I got to see Cory's family, another friend from high school (Matt Davis) and his wife, meet Richard, laugh my ass off with high school friends Natalie and Marigold, see high school friend and best man Courtney, meet his wife Brianna (also very sweet and also very pregnant), hang out a little with Marigold's Steve, knock bottles of beer off tables and watch them crash to the floor in a sudsy mess, see my Steve interact with my high school friends, and meet and hang out with possibly the cutest kid in the world, Huck:

Then it was back to the hotel for a second, grab the train to the airport, and head on back to Tampa. We got in Monday morning. So, a whirlwind, but definitely worth the trip. I would like to get back to San Francisco and check that city out a little more thoroughly--it was a cool place. So, this week has been work, work, work. Saturday Mandy's coming to Tampa to do a little recon on the wedding dress, so that should be fun and girly. AND, it is Thursday, so I'll throw some Randoms at ya.

1. In what ways are you naughty?

Naughty by nature.

2. What do you continuously find yourself justifying?

The cost of a haircut. That's not true since it's not continuous, only recent.

3. Other than you, who know you the best?

Keri, Steve, Cosmo.

4. In your opinion, is there a particular part of the world that produces exceptionally odd or strange people?

The part the O'Dells hail from.

5. How spiritually evolved do you think you are?

I think I'm at level 4.

6. When was the last time you were awestruck by the attractiveness of a stranger?

I'm rarely awestruck by anything.

7. Do you have a secret bank account or money stash that no one knows about?

No, but I have a secret best friend.

8. In what ways are you a survivor?

I don't have time for this question.

9. Is there someone that you just don't like, despite your best efforts?

If I just don't like someone, I generally don't make an effort to like them.

10. If you were in a plane that was plummeting to the ground, what would be your final thoughts?

First of all, I'm glad wasn't a question last week, right before I took a plane to California. Second of all, I don't know what my final thoughts would be. If I was alone, it would be about all the people who weren't with me, probably. And a general "damn it!"

~Bonus Question~When was the last time you were naked in front of someone other than your partner or spouse?

I can't remember. Gynecologist last year?

All right, folks, Steve's back from his double feature at the movies and making fake hot dogs and I gots to get me some of those. Peace out.

1 comment:

Keri said...

Naughty by nature- nice :)